Love has also been described as an intangible connection between two people that feels exceptionally good and yet, the word and experience of love, cannot be easily defined. There is wild, crazy “being in love,” and there is the love of a child, friends, family, pets, co-workers, neighbors, community, etc. Then there is “divine love” […]
My BEST Survive and Thrive Mantras
I spent the weekend with a tribe of 80+ like-minded, conscious souls that I hadn’t seen in two years. Upon arrival we were all tested for Covid before receiving our color-coded name badges in an effort to keep all of us feeling safe. Green meant yes, lets hug. Yellow meant you can come close enough […]
Got Triggers? Get Glimmers!
Many of us suffer from deep childhood wounds, others of us are scarred from life in general. Given the state of the world, we’ve all been traumatized on various levels. And, we all have individual things that “trigger” us into feelings that impact our mental stability where we are reminded of past trauma or previous […]
The Rainbow Effect
This morning, before I got out of bed, I looked out the window and was delighted to see a magnificent, vibrant, and very wide rainbow. As I enjoyed the magic of the moment, it reminded me that our deepest desires are a lot like rainbows – just because we can’t always see them, doesn’t mean […]
The Power of Ruby Red Slippers and Prayer
Many years ago, I had a career changing meeting set up with a powerful CEO that I was terrified of. I had heard stories, from reliable sources, that he was a master of the dark forces and that he always got his way. I prepared for the meeting in three ways: First, I was very […]
We Are Never Alone
As so many of us find ourselves praying more often, more fervently than ever as bombs drop on Ukraine, the world economy is in turmoil, the pandemic continues, experiencing inner peace can be a real struggle. I’ve been on several global prayer webcasts, collectively praying and holding strong intentions for peace, for healings, for miracles, […]
Are You a Good Lover?
Being a great lover is more than mastering the Kama Sutra. On the deepest level it’s not so much about sex, it’s about leading (and loving) with an open, generous, and flexible heart. As much as most of us resist change, we must accept that we change, our partners change, and circumstances change. “To love […]
Raise Your Love Frequency to Manifest Your Soulmate
Love has also been described as an intangible connection between two people that feels exceptionally good and yet, the word and experience of love, cannot be easily defined. There is wild, crazy “being in love,” and there is the love of a child, friends, family, pets, co-workers, neighbors, community, etc. Then there is “divine love” […]
The New SINGLE Reframe: Be a Solo
Life is changing faster than ever, and this includes the world of partnership. Do you desire a traditional, legal marriage to raise children together? Do you wish to remain single but in a committed relationship? Do you want to share your life with your BFF from grade school, sans sex and romance, and raise kids […]
The Truth About Mother
In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery? ”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What […]
Are They Your Soulmate?
Happily. Ever. After. These are the three most dangerous words for women in love. Even the smartest women fall into a love trance thinking that now that they have found their soulmate, the love of their life, he/she will naturally know how to make them happy, satisfied and content. Sure, you’ve heard that relationships take […]