Are You a Liar?

Are you a liar? I believe most of us are. (Hey, we are all human, no judgement here.) And the biggest lies we tell are to ourselves. We lie to ourselves in small ways and big. For instance, perhaps you do some or all of these: You want to be healthy and yet you consistently […]

Limiting Belief Buster – This really works!

I have great news for you – if you missed last week’s free webinar on breaking through limiting beliefs, I’ve got the replay link for you. My friend Shelly Lefkoe, co-founder of The Lefkoe Institute, presented a master class in transforming limiting beliefs that was simply life changing. In this interactive webinar Shelly explained what […]

What I’m Streaming & Binging Now

One of my near daily pleasure puppy activities is to hang out and watch TV just for the sheer joy and entertainment of it. Not only do I find it pleasurable, its relaxing and sometimes even feels a bit decadent, depending on the show. Here are some of my recent favorites: YOUNGER Mega producer Darren […]

Stop Waiting For Love, Discover How to Make It Happen

Yesterday was our 23rd wedding anniversary. As I thought about the wonder of it all, I asked my beloved soulmate, Brian, what his thoughts are on how we have created 23 years of togetherness and what he thought our “secret of success” is. Here is what he said: “Our sacred union was ignited in an […]

5 Mistakes Women Make in Love (and what to do about them)

When I met my soulmate Brian, I was smart enough to use everything I knew about the Law of Attraction to manifest an amazing soulmate. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any real experience or partnership skills to assure our marriage would be a dream come true. I made tons of mistakes, mostly because I didn’t understand […]

Life Is Hard, Give Yourself a Break

For many of us, the fifteen months of lockdown and restricted activities were extremely challenging in every area of life. As life began to open up again in recent months, we experienced hope and optimism that normalcy was on the return. Most of us started getting out more, giddy to be social and hug our […]

Love Never Dies (A True Story)

More than thirty years ago I had the extraordinary good fortune to meet Herb Tanzer and Elizabeth Goodman. I was attending the Landmark Forum and Herb was our awesome, amazing and brilliant leader. Throughout the weekend workshop he often gushed about how much he loved his beautiful wife, Elizabeth. Herb & Elizabeth were really my […]

Live in Peace, Not in Pieces, Free Guide from My friend, the Holy Woman

If you’re anything like me, the last fifteen months on planet earth have been challenging, at times nerve shattering, and stressful to the max. I’ve been craving peace. Something that has really made a difference in returning me to a state of peace and contentment is a guide written by my friend, Sadhviji, who has […]

Bouncing Back from Disappointment

Disappointment. We’ve all been there. Whether it was the promising new relationship, the job interview that seemed so right, the passion project that didn’t pan out, we have all known the disappointment of not having our big dream met. Even though the feelings of loss and sadness that come with disappointment totally suck, there are […]

You Deserve to Have Your Dreams Come True (here’s how)

Is your soul yearning for big breakthroughs in the areas of love, or money, or accomplishment? Or is there a new passion or purpose bubbling up inside you just waiting to be coaxed out that will catapult YOU to the land of happy, satisfied and content? Whether it’s manifesting the love of your life, pursuing […]