Yesterday was the shortest, darkest day of the year, in a year that for many people was filled with unfathomable darkness. If your life was turned upside down, filled with fear, sadness and loneliness or worse, (I had bouts with all of this plus anger, frustration and confusion), I’ve decided to get out a shovel […]
It’s My Birthday!!! (here’s my wish)
Today I am 68 years old. It’s a reality. It’s a number. It’s also fun to have reached a stage in my life where I no longer care what anybody thinks about me and I can just totally be me. I have gray hair, I weigh 144 pounds, I’ve shrunk down to 5’ 7” and […]
Stepping Out of Darkness (and into the Light)
Yesterday was the shortest, darkest day of the year, in a year that for many people was filled with unfathomable darkness. If your life was turned upside down, filled with fear, sadness and loneliness or worse, (I had bouts with all of this plus anger, frustration and confusion), I’ve decided to get out a shovel […]
How To Create A 2021 You Will Love
In 1980 John Lennon released a song on the Double Fantasy album that included these lyrics: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Sigh. So true. Today is the first day of the last month of 2020…easily the craziest year any of us have ever experienced. And all the big […]
Love, Gratitude and Humor
This will be a most unusual Thanksgiving for many families, no need to explain why. I am grateful for the local restaurant I am ordering a few complete Turkey feasts from (including a slice of Pumpkin Pie) and I will miss the fun and festivities of being with family. I will be sending all of […]
Time For More Pleasure Now!!
Are you having ENOUGH pleasure in your life right now in the midst of all the craziness? Are you willing to have MORE PLEASURE NOW? Right now, is the perfect time to UP your pleasure puppy game, build your oxytocin levels which in turn will reduce your stress and free you up to have more […]
Knowing When To Shut Up
Lately I’ve been craving silence. Silence in my surroundings and silence in my own internal world. The craziness of the world between politics and Covid and everything else, has generated so much noise, especially the noise of my opinions and everyone else’s. The other day I saw these words on Instagram (@buddha.says) that blew me […]
Five Ways to Make Your Home Shelter-in-Place Friendly
How long have we been stuck at home now? Has it really been months? Ask your home how it feels from your climbing its proverbial walls, and it may well be ready for a refresh too. Recently I’ve gotten serious about “refreshing” our house, from having the carpets cleaned to replacing some furniture, filling boxes […]
7 Steps to have MORE LOVE in your life
Love is quite simply the most precious possession in existence. And my mission is to share the best insights I know to bring more love into each of your lives. Today I want to share the most powerful way to create MORE LOVE in your life NOW. These beautiful insights come from my dear friend […]
Navigating Chaos with Grace & Ease
My dear friend, the wise and beautiful Rev. Cynthia James, sent out a blog the other day filled with important and potent advice on dealing with the times we are in. She has graciously given me permission to share this with you: These last few months have been quite a ride. A pandemic, social unrest, […]
Watching Barbra Streisand on Oprah Changed My Love Life
One evening in November 1996, I turned on my VHS (remember that?) to watch a taped episode of The Oprah Show. Her special guest was Barbra Streisand who was glowing and giddy as she discussed her tall, dark and handsome fiancé, actor James Brolin. Back then, I lived in Beverly Hills, and the dish around […]