The core basis of my belief and understanding about manifestation (whether you are manifesting love, a car, a new career, or a new little black dress) is this: There is no “time.” The past, present, and future all happen simultaneously. When we have a desire for something, it’s because some part of us “already knows […]
Turkey Day Fun & Survival Tips
Thanksgiving with the family can be a mixed bag of emotions…from happiness and gratitude to stress, anxiety and worse when your buttons get pushed. Most likely you may experience a bit of all of these feelings. To move yourself from “annoyed to enjoyed”, whether the Turkey burns or Uncle Joe gets sloppy drunk, do what […]
Your Dream Is Already A Reality
The core basis of my belief and understanding about manifestation (whether you are manifesting love, a car, a new career, or a new little black dress) is this: There is no “time.” The past, present, and future all happen simultaneously. When we have a desire for something, it’s because some part of us “already knows […]
Owning Your Sensuality Mindset
My brilliant friend, Susan Bratton, is the trusted hot sex advisor to millions and an expert on all aspects on how to improve your sex life, which for many women, begins with improving your “sensuality mindset.” Please enjoy her wisdom on this topic. Just recently I spoke at an all women’s sexuality event. Before I […]
Dream Crazy Big – Here’s How
I have been studying and practicing the art and science of manifestation since 1984, and I am always learning (or being reminded of) another dimension of it. Last night I attended a big fundraiser for Just Like My Child, an organization I have been on the Board of for 13 years, and our keynote speaker […]
Wabi Sabi Love
Some say the hardest part of life is dealing with the other humans. Unlike most cats and dogs, people behavior is often not predictable. (or sometimes too predictable and that can also be maddening!) Figuring out how to manage my feelings and judgements about people, and myself, has been a long-time mission and when I […]
The MOST Important Love RULE
Many of us were taught the “Golden Rule” as kids: “Do unto others as you would like to be done unto.” This works well most of the time EXCEPT when it comes to love. With your soulmate you want to practice the Platinum Rule: “Do unto them as they would like to be done unto.” […]
Science Indicates Feelingizations Work!
For those of you who do my feelingizations to manifest your desires, you know that they all begin with a “heart lock-in,” a tool developed by The Institute of Heartmath, to get you into a state of “heart coherence (HRV).” Essentially you are guided to move your attention from your head down to the area […]
5 Ways to Vibrant Love
This week I am very excited to introduce you to my friend Shayne Traviss, who is an author, student of life, producer and founder of (And Oprah follows him on Twitter!) I’ve asked him to guest blog and share some of his wisdom about love with you. This for both singles and couples. Enjoy! Are you […]
Deepak Chopra and A Mind-blowing Experience
More than fifteen years ago, Brian and I traveled through South India with Deepak Chopra and a dozen friends. One of the highlights of our journey was to experience a “palm leaf reading” also known as a Nadi reading, where a priest and an interpreter found our life history written in ancient Tamil, on a […]
Your work is not your Source, God is your Source
Where do you find inspiration and motivation? I often trip over it in the most unlikely places. Today I walked into my workout room and the TV was on and Pastor Joel Osteen was just beginning his sermon. Something told me to listen. I did. I was surprised and delighted to hear what I would call Law […]