LOVE – Monkey See, Monkey Do!

You’ve probably heard the saying “what you put your attention on grows” and this is especially true when it comes to love.  If you desire MORE love in your life, you can it today! In recent years, science has discovered that our brains are filled with something now known as mirror neurons.  These are a type […]

The Purpose of Marriage

According to my late sister Debbie’s favorite holy man, Rabbi Ezagui of Chabad La Jolla, marriage is the highest calling of mankind. He says: “True love is loving the person for what they love, who they are, for what they stand for. If you go into a marriage loving what you love, not what they […]

The Pink Lemonade Solution

Sh*$ happens. It comes in many forms: illness, money issues, breakups, loved ones pass on (even worse, sometimes it all happens at once)! Since we can’t control the ups and downs of life, we can discover empowering ways how to respond and react. I’ve always loved that old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make […]

Love and Death

The other day we were at the home of Maria Menunous where I was taping her Sirius radio show (it will air next month and then be available on her podcast). We were standing in her garden while two beautiful yellow and black butterflies flew in tandem, circling us for several minutes in a beautiful […]

Spiritual and Highly Sensitive People Have the Hardest Time in Love

Although this seems very counter-intuitive, I have found the highly sensitive and spiritual people (for now I will call you HSP’s) have the hardest time finding love and keeping love, especially women. One of the biggest issues around this I have observed is that HSP’s are deeply feeling, not only their own feelings but the […]

The Drug You Must Give Up to Manifest Your Dreams

My wise and brilliant friend, John Assaraf, recently wrote: “The older I get (and hopefully wiser), I realize that some people are just happiest (or most comfortable) when they are miserable. I know it’s an oxymoron but it’s true. As I travel the world sharing the lessons and specific strategies for achieving success, I come […]

How To Be The LeBron of Your Life!

This morning Brian and I were talking about NBA superstar, LeBron James, and what it took for him to achieve greatness…all the dedicated hours of practice, energy, focus, and most importantly, desire. I realized that many of the same things apply to manifesting your hearts desire without as much sweat! Are you ready to get […]

How? The one word that stifles manifestation

Someone asked me today what my “secret” to manifesting is, and quite simply the answer is “I remember that at the quantum level what I’ve asked for IS already mine.” In the “field” we are ALREADY connected to that which we desire. When you spend your time in a state of deep gratitude, for whatever […]

The Love Potion Enhanced by Art & Music

Prolific artist/musician Sharron Katz has an inspiring soulmate manifestation story that I just had to share with you. Now, at age 61, she is happily with her beloved, Mike, 66, and together they are sharing a juicy, creative, open, honest, musical and artistic life together. But it almost didn’t happen. After a 15-year marriage and […]

Pleasure Puppies – Only 6 weeks left of SUMMER

Are you having ENOUGH pleasure in your life? Are you willing to have MORE PLEASURE NOW? Summer is the perfect season to UP your pleasure puppy game, build your oxytocin levels, reduce your stress, and have more fun. Here’s what I am committing to doing to fill my oxytocin tanks: Swim in the ocean See […]