Givers, Takers and Emotional Vampires

Over the years I have observed that most people fall into one of three categories that I have named Givers, Takers, and Emotional Vampires. It’s pretty easy to figure out that Givers are heart -entered lovers who’s first consideration is the other person. They provide love, comfort, support, care, compassion and empathy. Givers make any […]

Karma, Fate, Destiny & You!

 I believe that certain parts of life are meant to remain a mystery.   When I think about karma, fate, and destiny they appear to be related. When I think about intention and co-creating with the Universe, they are also related. And, I feel that there is a higher power at work balancing out how things […]

Someone To Grow Old With

In the movie, Shall We Dance, starring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Susan Sarandon, there is a terrific scene where Sarandon ‘s character is sitting at a bar explaining to a stranger why being married is important.  She says, “We need a witness to our lives.  There are billions of people on the planet…I mean, […]

For Better or Worse

As most of you know by now, my darling sister Debbie died last week after a very long journey with cancer. Deb and I were as close as two sisters could possibly be. Our lives were deeply intertwined. When she became gravely ill this past month, I basically stopped my normal life to be with […]

Monkey Mind Management 101

We’ve all been there…..the days when we spiral down convinced that life just isn’t going our way… that we are undeserving of love, or the new job, or the thing we are most wishing for. Our mind goes into overdrive, some would call it a negative feedback loop, and we keep replaying the negativity over […]

The Art of Love

While I realize that many of you have your attention manifesting a soulmate…..have you thought about “once you are in the relationship” if you have all the necessary skills to navigate the days when things get a little bumpy or dare I say it, even a little boring? As a first-time bride at age 44, […]

Chant Your Soulmate To You

The day after I met Brian, I ran into my vedic astrologer, Marc Boney.  I had him look up Brian’s chart with mine and within hours he called to tell me that our combined charts were the “clearest indication of a fated relationship he had ever seen and he predicted we would marry.”     Not long […]

Don’t Make This Love Mistake

When it comes to love, logic is not always your best friend. It’s possible to “over-think” and get too analytical in your approach to figuring out “how and where” to find your soulmate. Recently, my friend Devra Jacobs, a very insightful and talented intuitive/life coach (, told me an amazing story about her client Kathy […]

Must See Film: SESSIONS with Helen Hunt

True Story: As a young boy, Mark O’Brien (played by John Hawkes) contracted polio and was left confined to a life bedridden on an electric gurney or sleeping in an iron-lung. Unable to move anything but his head, he can breathe on his own for a few hours at a time, he can turn the […]

New “Love Magnet” Feelingization For You

My definition of a soulmate is this: a soulmate is someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love, and, when you look into their eyes you have the feeling of being “home.” We often only think of a soulmate as a romantic partner, but if you accept my definition you can broaden that […]