Flirting 101 – Come On, Have Some Fun!

Flirting is a time-honored way of signaling interest and attraction in another person. It’s an essential aspect of human interaction and can be an open portal for intimate relationships between two people. While most people think of flirting as an overt sexual act, it doesn’t have to be. It can be a simple, playful, and […]

Traits of Successful Women Who Manifested Their Conscious Partner

You’ve heard the cliché, “success leaves a trail of breadcrumbs,” and having met and interviewed tons of smart, super-successful women who went from alone and dateless to happily married to their conscious soulmate, I have compiled a list (in no particular order) of the qualities they brought forward in themselves to make it happen. ~ […]

Are you growing spiritually?

My dear friend and soul brother, Kute Blackson, is a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher and he is widely considered a next generation leader in the field of personal development. Today I’m excited to share with you Kute’s amazing deep dive into what spiritually is. How can you know if you are growing spiritually? […]

The Simple Way to Change Your Destiny

In today’s guest blog, my dear friend and holy woman, Sadhviji, simply and elegantly explains a simple way to change your destiny. A Stanford graduate who was raised in Los Angeles and moved to India 25 years ago, Sadhviji is recognized as one of the world’s leading female spiritual leaders. Thoughts are tickets to our […]

Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty

And Just Like That, the title of the new Sex and The City series, comes from Carrie watching Mr. Big suddenly die in the first episode and then, just like that, her life is changed forever. Since the beginning of the pandemic, nearly all of us have had our own (maybe many) life altering experiences […]

Texting as a Love Language

Several years ago, the New York Times quoted an online dater as saying: “Dating culture has evolved to a cycle of text messages, each one requiring the code-breaking skills of a cold war spy to interpret.” Yes. This is true. AND, now there is a way to break the code. I’ve just finished reading a […]

Pick a Partner That Has Your Back

For better or worse. Through thick and thin. Will take a bullet for you. Is solid as a rock. Always has your back and is your biggest cheerleader and safe place to land. As humans we need to feel physically and emotionally safe, especially with our beloved. Choosing a soulmate/life partner is the most important […]

Why Writing a Book Is an Act of Self Love

As someone who has written 12 books, had a big career as a book publicist and a literary agent, I’ve been deep in the publishing world for most of my life. Yesterday I was talking an old friend who was interviewing me for an article she is writing for a major publication about becoming an […]

How To be the BEST Grandparent

On Saturday I organized a Celebration of Life for my mother with more than 70 family and close friends in attendance at the Catamaran resort overlooking the water. We had a decadent buffet, face-painters, temporary tattoos, and butterfly wings for the kids, a musical performance by our dear friends Ron Bohmer and Sandra Joseph (they […]

Why Your Desire Is Already a Reality

The core basis of my belief and understanding about manifestation (whether you are manifesting love, a car, a new career, or a new little black dress) is this: There is no “time.” The past, present, and future all happen simultaneously. When we have a desire for something, it’s because some part of us “already knows […]