There’s No Shortage of Soup (or love or blessings)

How do you envision God, Goddess, the Universe or whatever “divine” being you pray to? Sometimes when I’m in a goofy mood, and I hear someone tell me what’s not possible for them to manifest, I imagine that “being” is like the “Soup Nazi” on Seinfeld. Remember him? He was a cantankerous owner of a […]

Spend the Weekend with Me to Manifest Big Love

What I am about to say is going to shock or surprise you and yet I know for sure it’s true: It has never been easier than it is today to manifest your soulmate. There is no shortage of love in the world. There is no shortage of people looking for life partners. Big Love […]

Let Go of Relationship Clutter

Clutter. It blocks the flow of energy and gets in the way of manifesting our deepest desires. We know how to unclutter the physical items in our lives and now, thanks to my friend Peggy Fitzsimmons, she is sharing with us today her views on letting go of relationship clutter. Enjoy! “Our souls are inherently […]

Hitting the Wall and Not Giving Up

For the past two and a half years I have been working hard on writing my first novel. Along the way I have discovered how much I didn’t know that I didn’t know about writing fiction. After publishing 11 non-fiction books, I considered myself a relatively talented writer. Big mistake. Imagine if you were a house […]

The Power of Love

Love is one of those words that gets used a lot but has so many different meanings. Love is a feeling, a sentiment, a behavior, an action, a way of being, and often the thing that has the capacity to heal almost every situation. I don’t believe there is a shortage of love in the world, […]

Killing Buddha (it’s a good thing)

Did you know that the personal growth world has a dark side? And that not all the superstars of this world walk their talk? I have spent more than 30 years attending personal growth workshops, working closely with the teachers of it, and have been in a rare birdseye place to observe what goes on. […]

A Year of Turmoil and Transformation

One year ago, we went into lockdown. Covid -19. The Corona virus. A global pandemic. Holy shit! They said lockdown would probably only last three to four weeks, possibly six. We were told to wash our hands, wear a mask, social distance so we could “flatten the curve.” What happened next doesn’t need to be […]

What is Love Anyway?

Did you know that in the Persian language there are 80 words for love? In Sanskrit there are 96 words and in Greek there are 7. Sadly, in English we only have 1 word for love. Thus, it isn’t surprising that love means different things to just about everyone. Love is one of those things […]

The Art of the Love Letter

For those of you already with your soulmate, scroll down to the P.S. for a special bonus gift on the art of writing a love letter. For all of you singles…imagine this…. it’s one year from now, Valentine’s Day 2022, and your soulmate/lifepartner has just given you a giant array of your favorite flowers. While […]

Who Are You Becoming?

The past year has changed most of us on both visible and invisible ways. For many, the people and things we most value, have come into sharper focus while we let go of people and ways of being that no longer nourish or serve us. I know for me, and several of my friends, we […]