The MOST Important Love RULE

Many of us were taught the “Golden Rule” as kids: “Do unto others as you would like to be done unto.” This works well most of the time EXCEPT when it comes to love. With your soulmate you want to practice the Platinum Rule: “Do unto them as they would like to be done unto.” […]

Science Indicates Feelingizations Work!

For those of you who do my feelingizations to manifest your desires, you know that they all begin with a “heart lock-in,” a tool developed by The Institute of Heartmath, to get you into a state of “heart coherence (HRV).” Essentially you are guided to move your attention from your head down to the area […]

5 Ways to Vibrant Love

This week I am very excited to introduce you to my friend Shayne Traviss, who is an author, student of life, producer and founder of (And Oprah follows him on Twitter!) I’ve asked him to guest blog and share some of his wisdom about love with you. This for both singles and couples. Enjoy! Are you […]

Deepak Chopra and A Mind-blowing Experience

More than fifteen years ago, Brian and I traveled through South India with Deepak Chopra and a dozen friends. One of the highlights of our journey was to experience a “palm leaf reading” also known as a Nadi reading, where a priest and an interpreter found our life history written in ancient Tamil, on a […]

Your work is not your Source, God is your Source

Where do you find inspiration and motivation? I often trip over it in the most unlikely places. Today I walked into my workout room and the TV was on and Pastor Joel Osteen was just beginning his sermon. Something told me to listen. I did. I was surprised and delighted to hear what I would call Law […]

How The Experts Calm Themselves Down

One of my favorite saying is this: “if you don’t want to burn out, stop living like you are on fire!” My fantasy is that I “glide through life,” and yet my reality is more like, OMG! Holy Shit! and I race around like the world will end if I don’t finish my To-Do list. […]

Staying Centered and Sane in A Crazy World

Lately many of my conversations with friends have been around just how stressed out everyone is. More than normal. Anxiety. Fear. Depression. Uncertainty. All seem to be rampant. My theory is that we all have our “usual” mishigosh to deal with and now, with all the troubles in the world, we’re also feeling the collective […]

What’s Your Love Language?

After I got married I found out there is something so much more important than being “right.” It’s being “loved.” I discovered that when I was committed to being “right,” it always meant making someone else “wrong.” As you know, feeling wrong does not go well with feeling loved. So many of us like to […]

A faster Way to Manifest Your Desires

Like most people, I want what I want, when I want it and I want it now. And the word “want” is a surefire way not to get it. Huh? Wanting implies that something is missing. It implies lack. And when you are in the state of wanting, all the Universe can give you is […]

Don’t Fall for the BS about this!

There is an axiom that’s been circulating in the personal development world for years now that says we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with (attributed to Jim Rohn and others). And I say its Bull Sh$t. (and some have a $100k a year program to make sure you […]