Be A LOVE Junkie (naturally)

Yes, it’s finally Spring – the happy season of birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. Every April your brain unwittingly becomes a dopamine factory, turning you into a love junkie. In fact, brain scans of people flooded with dopamine look a lot like brain scans of drug addicts. Which makes sense, […]

Love Letter From God

If you are single and struggling with love, or have any single friends that are, please read this very special love letter from God:   Love Letter From God Dear One, Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively, but I […]


Regardless of your relationship status, one thing you can do this year is to choose to be a Love Warrior. Quite simply, commit to sharing your love and appreciation for the special people in your life.   A Love Warrior is committed to living with an open, generous heart and sharing their love far and […]

My Valentines Day Gift For YOU!

Traditionally, Valentines Day is for couples to gift each other with flowers, candy and sentimental store bought cards. All of which are lovely, and I want to encourage those of you who have your soulmate to be sure to write each other really gushing love letters!   NOW…. for my single readers, here’s what I want […]

Shopping For The Perfect Husband (a funny story)

In her book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Dr. Laura Schlesinger recounts a story one of her listeners found on the Internet entitled “Shopping for the Perfect Husband.” The tale is set in the “Perfect Husband-land” store, a five-story building where women can go to find their perfect match.   On each of […]

Is he the ONE? (Or still the ONE?)

It seems like nearly everyday someone is asking me, “How do I know if he is my soulmate?” It’s a valid question. Besides having a sense of “knowing” and feeling like you have known them forever, you must discern if they are a viable “life partner.” Simply having feelings of deep recognition is not enough for […]

Conscious Love – What It Is (and is not!)

I was on Facebook the other night and came upon a beautifully written essay on Conscious Love by Jenn Funk that I just HAD to share with you. Please enjoy! Love isn’t the hope or belief you have in a man’s ‘potential,’ the same man who insults you, runs away or raises his voice when he […]

Why LOVE is more important than FOOD

Whether you are single or married, chances are that you are someone who is committed to a healthy lifestyle of exercising and eating organic, non-GMO foods and focused on nourishing your body with things that have the highest-level ingredients. I’ll bet you are exercising, possibly meditating and doing yoga.   What you probably don’t know […]

Turn Your Internal POWER on

I woke up at 4am on New Year’s Day totally excited and energized about this New Year and all the potential and possibility it holds. I had so many thoughts racing through my head that I jumped out of bed to write them down. As I pondered it all, I came to a big realization […]

New! What to do if the magic has faded

***************************** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! On December 29th, I’m releasing what I think is my best book ever on love and relationships: Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate: A Practical Guide To Happily Ever After Go to this link to learn how you can order your copy today and receive some really nice bonus gifts, too! ***************************** […]