Why Your Dream Is Already A Reality

The core basis of my belief and understanding about manifestation (whether you are manifesting love, a car, a new career, or a new little black dress) is this:   There is no “time.” The past, present, and future all happen simultaneously.   When we have a desire for something, it’s because some part of us […]

Are You In A Season of Love Or Loneliness? What To Do…

I have always found Vedic Astrology to be a useful tool in understanding how the planets are impacting my life and helpful in making decisions.  More often than not, it provides a good explanation from what I am intuitively feeling about how things are going.  One of my favorite astrologers is my dear friend and […]

Be A Pleasure Pig

Our cat Yoda is nicknamed “the pleasure pig.” Yoda demands massive amounts of attention, belly rubs, cheek scratches, and snacks of his favorite baby food, which we called “Yoda’s Crack.” The other day I was watching Brian give Yoda his yoga stretching massage and was silently wishing that I was as good at demanding pleasure […]

Love Will Find You

The first time I met Alex Garrett, he was seven years old and chatting me up during my book signing in NY’s east village. He very articulately explained his plans to become a sports broadcaster and I quickly learned what a remarkable human being he is. Today, at age 23, he indeed works in the […]

The One Thing Blocking You From Love (or whatever you most desire)

Have you ever tried to drive with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake? Impossible, right? It’s the same with manifesting whatever your heart’s desire is. When one part of you really, really has a desire, such as a soulmate, some contrary belief or thought (conscious or unconscious) can be […]

Celebrating 17 Years of Marriage

Seventeen years ago, on June 22, I married my soulmate, Brian, in a beautiful, magical Hindu ceremony officiated by the hugging saint, Amma. What I didn’t know on that auspicious day could fill a book! Leading up to the wedding, I had never given any thought as to what I kind of wife and partner […]

Spiritual Benefits of Shopping and Tithing

We go shopping for all kinds of reasons: The fridge is empty and we need bread, milk and eggs. We’re craving chocolate or cheesecake. We need new shoes and a little black dress. We shop for necessity, for fun, excitement and for all kinds of reasons. I am not a big shopper. These days I […]

What Do Men Want?

What do men want? That’s a big question and one that I have been researching for years. In fact, when my next book comes out next January, I will be unveiling my take on this topic as well. I recently came across Kate, who has great information and a story about what men want. If […]

Got Faith?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about faith and trust….and asking myself, how much of it do I really have? And, what does it take to have 100% faith and trust that my life is unfolding exactly as it should? As someone who has had ongoing success implementing the Law of Attraction, I sometimes wonder […]

Life Is Short, Stop Waiting for “Someday”

Now that I am in the “final third” of my life, I totally get the “life is short” thing. It’s really true. Life is short, and it goes by really, really fast. Lately I have been thinking about “if I knew then what I know now,” all the things I would have done differently. I […]