Winter Solstice Manifestation Rituals

Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice – the first day of winter and the shortest day of the year. Celebrated by cultures across the globe for more than 6,000 years, it signifies the return of light and with it, life. This is a sacred, powerful day to take advantage of the cosmic energies so that you […]

Elevate Your Happiness – here’s how

Sarah Trimmer, who – after a devastating cancer diagnosis – decided to engage with her own health and recovery in an interesting way. She chose to focus her energy on elevating her own happiness every single day, with a simple and elegant technique. Twice a day (morning and night, no matter what difficulties she was […]

How To Love Yourself More

Learning to love myself was a painful and slow process. I grew up awkward, introverted, and with a very loud, self-critical voice in my head. More than 25 years ago I had the good fortune to be introduced to Louise Hay who took me through her life-changing “mirror work” process. I remember sitting with her […]

Do you practice the Sunshine Law?

When I was growing up in Hollywood, Florida (30 minutes north of Miami Beach), my Dad was politically active…he was into civil rights, protecting the environment by fighting the land developers (to this day Hollywood Beach is still nearly free of the tall buildings that block beach access), and he was a strong advocate for […]

Love, Longevity & Toxic Thoughts

If you are reading this, it’s likely you are someone who is committed to a healthy, spiritual lifestyle of meditating, yoga, exercise, practicing loving kindness and eating organic, non-GMO foods. Chances are you are focused on supplying your life and your body with things that have the highest-level of nourishment. What you probably don’t know […]

Do You Feel Worthy of Love?

Have you noticed that, when you are feeling good about yourself, you naturally attract great people? Not just potential partners, but wonderful, interesting people. Until we feel truly worthy – deep inside – of the love we desire, we won’t feel worthy of love on the outside. And when we aren’t revealing the truth about […]

Love, Life and What Is Most Needed

One day, many years ago, Brian and I were in Tiffany’s, simply browsing all the pretty shiny and sparkling things.  As we looked through the glass cabinet at a diamond bracelet, a very elegant man in a suit, behind the counter, asked if I would like to try it on.  I immediately said to him: “Oh […]

The Art of Kissing

As if we needed a really good reason to kiss the object of our desire, it turns out that some researchers believe that kissing evolved as a way to assess a potential partner’s compatibility because it exchanges a host of information about health and hormonal status. Dr. Helen Fisher, one of my favorite love researchers […]

The Funny Side of Love

Love, Dating, Marriage, and all that it entails, can be exhilarating, amazing, awe-inspiring and at times it can also be disappointing, painful or worse. One thing that makes all of it BETTER is laughter, so today, I am sharing some of my favorite relationship jokes: What is a date, really, but a job interview that lasts all […]

Vacations Are Good for the Soul

Mega talented Broadway writer/star of the Tony award winning show, Hamilton, Lin Manuel-Miranda has said the show was born when he went on vacation. Having the down time to relax, recharge, and reboot got his creative juices flowing and he is now a true phenomenon.   We humans grow and thrive when we are well […]