I’ll Have What She’s Having

As you read this, we are headed to Israel and Italy to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary.  It’s hard to believe how the years have flown by! What I love most about being married to my soulmate Brian is that every morning I wake up to someone who is SO HAPPY to see me, gives […]

Marianne Williamson on love & tears

There’s an old saying that before you meet your prince, you might kiss a lot of frogs. And most of us have. We might chuckle at that, but the truth is that the “wrong” relationships are not just wrong – they’re painful. Have you ever thought about how many tears you’ve cried over love affairs […]

What’s Your Moon Shot?

In 1969, Apollo 11 landed the first human on the moon – an amazing dream envisioned by President John F. Kennedy, Jr.   It was known as the “moonshot,” which today is a phrase used to describe “ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking projects undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit and also, perhaps, without a […]

How To Trust Your Intuition

It took me years to learn to trust my intuition.  Sometimes it was hard to distinguish between my “wishful thinking” and a real intuitive “hit.”   My friend and intuitive extraordinaire, Colette Baron Reid, shared with me a very simple but powerful technique to use by yourself when you need to access your own intuition. She […]

The Real Purpose of Marriage

  My sister Debbie loved her rabbi, Baruch Ezagui. One day, the Rabbi and I had a conversation about love and the real meaning of marriage. He told me he believes “marriage is the highest calling of humankind” and that it includes the marriage between the body and soul, heaven and earth, spirit and matter, […]

Do You TRUST the Universe?

Shit happens. It just does. We have good days, bad days, and mediocre days. One day we feel great…top of the world. The next day we feel like crap, get in a car accident, or worse. Life is great. Life sucks. This is just how it is……one step forward, two steps back. So…here’s the BIG […]

What Do You Want?

I don’t always get what I want.   After 30 years of studying and excelling at the Law of Attraction, and even though I am considered a “master manifestor,” sometimes there is a conflict between what I say or think I want and what I end up with.   Why is this?   Just having the […]

MORE of You Are Enough, I Am Enough

Of all the newsletters I’ve ever written, the recent one about “being enough” has gotten the most response.  I was so surprised to learn that this is such a big issue for so many people (including me). Did you know that this is an actual “phobia”?  It’s called Atelophobia – it’s the fear of imperfection […]

Love As An Art Form

Love is an art and you are the artist. How, when, and where you express your love is your medium. Your words and deeds can light up someone’s day or toss them into the depths of despair. Love is much more than just a feeling. So many of us depend on our feelings to tell […]

You Are Enough. I am Enough.

It seems like nearly everyone I know is in the midst of a physical and emotional transformation, myself included. Symptoms range from serious challenges (cancer, Lyme disease, etc.) to very annoying (but not life-threatening) things like chronic headaches, vertigo, reflux, food sensitivities, parasites, blood flow, sleeplessness, etc.).   As I deal with my own issues, […]