INVISIBLE LOSS: Recognizing and Healing the Unacknowledged Heartbreak of Everyday Grief

How often have you thought, “I shouldn’t be sad—my life is so good”? Or, “I have nothing to complain about—some people are going through worse”? With major tragedies happening all around us, ‘smaller’ losses can fall by the wayside. But the moments of feeling misunderstood by your partner, left out of a friend group, or sad over a lack-luster performance review are true losses, and they too need to be recognized—because they have an impact and they’re holding us back.

INVISIBLE LOSS: Recognizing and Healing the Unacknowledged Heartbreak of Everyday Grief

This book, by my dear friend, acclaimed bereavement counselor Christina Rasmussen, provides a framework for recovery from unrecognized grief and teaches us how to stop living in survival mode and return to our true original selves unencumbered.

After undergoing a tragic loss herself, Christina developed a powerful process called the Life Reentry® Model to help individuals escape from their ‘Waiting room’ or the stagnant psychological space inhabited after loss. After helping over 2,000 participants with this model, she noticed that a different type of loss seemed to be haunting many of her clients. These losses weren’t catastrophic—instead they were mere moments of impact that remained not only unprocessed but also invalidated and uncategorized.

INVISIBLE LOSS finally gives a name to devastating forms of suffering that are too often ignored. With this user-friendly and evergreen manual towards mindset transformation, grief expert Christina Rasmussen invites everyone to reckon with the losses they’ve swept under the rug and commit to a new way of living. Get the book today.

Get it here!

Wishing you love, peace and healing,


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