**Let Self-Impose a Statue of Limitations on Mistakes**

What if we agreed to a statute of limitations on minor offenses committed by us imperfect humans? Let’s establish “love amnesty” for ourselves, friends, family, and fellow flawed beings.

Life is challenging enough without the burden of grudges and judgments over trivial missteps. In this era of cancel culture, where forgiveness seems extinct and second chances rare, it’s time to rethink. We’ve all done and said regrettable things. If we own our mistakes and sincerely apologize, shouldn’t we be forgiven?

This issue pervades both personal relationships and our broader culture. Even your best friend or partner can drive you crazy sometimes. When that happens, take a time-out. Sit, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Then, imagine you’re their defense attorney in a courtroom, arguing why they acted the way they did. Advocate for them as if their life depended on it. This exercise can diffuse your annoyance and foster understanding.

I confess that there’s a perverse pleasure in righteous anger, but it only harms me. When I catch myself in this state, I breathe mindfully and channel my inner Dalai Lama, envisioning him laughing and radiating love. I consciously choose to match his frequency of compassion, and it always works.

Sending waves of love and forgiveness,


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