Make Someone As Happy As You Would Like To Be for Epic Love

Strawberry CoupleWhen manifesting a soulmate, it’s so easy to think about what we want from the relationship, focusing on our needs, hopes, wishes and desires for an epic love life.

But, what if, there were another dimension to the process that can help you speed things up? There are thoughts and energies that contribute to the process, many of which you may not be thinking about. Let me give you just one example:

Many years ago my friend Maxine desired to meet and marry her soulmate.
She decided to pray, and her prayer was very simple, but she said it with deep intention and love. This was her prayer:

“I will create my perfect partner for lifelong love in order to make someone as happy as I would like to be.”

Now this may sound hard to believe, but within one hour she met her soulmate. They have now been blissfully married for twenty happy years.

If you spend a lot of time thinking, hoping, wishing, fantasizing about life with a soulmate and you aren’t making a lot of progress, I invite you to join me for a free teleseminar, that just might make all the difference in the world for you.

It happens on August 14th – don’t miss it! Register Now

Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,


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