Book Arielle
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Arielle is available to speak on stage and through the media on the topics of:
- Finding Love
- Keeping Love
- The Connection Between Love, Health, & Longevity
Youtube Channel
Visit Arielle’s Youtube channel:
Topic: Love The Imperfections
Wabi Sabi will change your love life. Watch this short clip to learn how this simple philosophy can solve all of your relationship issues.
Topic: Love, Health & Longevity
The LOVE connection to health and longevity- the latest research and the path to a lifelong bliss-filled relationship. Arielle offers easy and fun solutions for couples on how to grow a loving, lasting relationship.
Topics for Finding Love
What is a soulmate?
- Does everyone have a soulmate and how many can you have in a lifetime?
- The Universal Law that can be used to find your soul mate
- The necessary attitude and key steps to manifesting a soul mate and the Secret Sauce
- Why “living as if” will get you to love faster
- What “feathering the next” is and why is it important?
Topics for Keeping Love
How to reignite and re-envision your mate:
- Before “giving up” on a long term relationship it’s possible to turn your mate into your soulmate
- The big secret about marriage that causes so much pain
- Why being a perfectionist in your relationship is a dead-end to happiness, and why couples should wear “rose colored glasses”
- The health benefits of being married
- Why we must learn to be personally responsible for our own happiness in life and especially in relationship
- How being a perfectionist in your relationship is a dead-end to happiness
- Why should couples should wear “rose colored glasses” when it comes to seeing each other
- What to do when our partner consistently does something that truly makes us crazy
- The keys to great communication
- How to go from Annoyed to Enjoyed” with Wabi Sabi Love
“Arielle Ford has been one of the best guests on ‘This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy’. She draws a huge audience and delivers such fantastic information for the listeners and raises everyone up with an inspiring message that engages everyone.”
“Best ever. I’ve done a lot of interviews for my podcast and programs and hands down my all time fave is Arielle Ford. She is articulate & funny with great action steps that provide great value. If you are looking for a memorable guest that will have your community buzzing you found her!”
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