Tag Archive for: arielle ford

You Are Enough. I am Enough.

It seems like nearly everyone I know is in the midst of a physical and emotional transformation, myself included. Symptoms range from serious challenges (cancer, Lyme disease, etc.) to very annoying (but not life-threatening) things like chronic headaches, vertigo, reflux, food sensitivities, parasites, blood flow, sleeplessness, etc.).   As I deal with my own issues, […]

A Love Manifesto

More than 25 years ago, my therapist held a mirror in front of my face and asked me to look into my own eyes and say the words “I Love You.” I was instantly engulfed in a wave of sadness and despair and whispered, “I can’t do that, it would be a lie.” He was kind and […]

Be A LOVE Junkie (naturally)

Yes, it’s finally Spring – the happy season of birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. Every April your brain unwittingly becomes a dopamine factory, turning you into a love junkie. In fact, brain scans of people flooded with dopamine look a lot like brain scans of drug addicts. Which makes sense, […]

Secrets to Lifetime Love

Soulmates Nancy and Ronald Reagan shared an adoration for each other that was evident to all those who observed them. They married in 1952 when he was already in his 40’s, and their romance spanned more than half a century.  During his lifetime, his love for her was captured in more than 700 love letters, including […]

Love Letter From God

If you are single and struggling with love, or have any single friends that are, please read this very special love letter from God:   Love Letter From God Dear One, Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively, but I […]


Regardless of your relationship status, one thing you can do this year is to choose to be a Love Warrior. Quite simply, commit to sharing your love and appreciation for the special people in your life.   A Love Warrior is committed to living with an open, generous heart and sharing their love far and […]

My Valentines Day Gift For YOU!

Traditionally, Valentines Day is for couples to gift each other with flowers, candy and sentimental store bought cards. All of which are lovely, and I want to encourage those of you who have your soulmate to be sure to write each other really gushing love letters!   NOW…. for my single readers, here’s what I want […]

Shopping For The Perfect Husband (a funny story)

In her book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Dr. Laura Schlesinger recounts a story one of her listeners found on the Internet entitled “Shopping for the Perfect Husband.” The tale is set in the “Perfect Husband-land” store, a five-story building where women can go to find their perfect match.   On each of […]

Is he the ONE? (Or still the ONE?)

It seems like nearly everyday someone is asking me, “How do I know if he is my soulmate?” It’s a valid question. Besides having a sense of “knowing” and feeling like you have known them forever, you must discern if they are a viable “life partner.” Simply having feelings of deep recognition is not enough for […]

Conscious Love – What It Is (and is not!)

I was on Facebook the other night and came upon a beautifully written essay on Conscious Love by Jenn Funk that I just HAD to share with you. Please enjoy! Love isn’t the hope or belief you have in a man’s ‘potential,’ the same man who insults you, runs away or raises his voice when he […]