Tag Archive for: soulmate

Get the Most from Your Single Days

Today’s wisdom is from my dear friend and bestselling author of Calling In the One, Katherine Woodward Thomas who shares how to get the most out of your remaining days as a single! If you’ve been without a partner for a long time now, living the single life (you know, sleeping in the middle of […]

The #1 predictor of relationship Success…

Today I wanted to share with you fascinating research that my friend and licensed relationship expert, Randy Bennett, recently brought to my attention. It has to do with a remarkable “secret weapon” that researchers discovered can actually transform your relationship from a miserable, stale, boring, emotionally-starved desert into a lush garden full of fun, intimacy and passion. Sound impossible?  Think again…enjoy! […]

LOVE before First Sight!

If you believe that on some level we are all connected… that the “unified field” really does exist (and according to quantum physics it does), then great news – you are already connected to your soulmate on the cosmic level. When I was manifesting my soulmate, I instinctively knew this and so every day I […]

Are You A Great Date?

Many years ago I was having lunch with my friend Scott and we were talking about men, women, sex, love and dating. It was a very fun conversation….one that I never forgot, because he said to me: “the most important thing a woman can do on a date is to be enthusiastic. If she is […]

NEW Cosmic Soulmate Ritual for July 22

The Jewish celebration of Tu B’Av, the holiday of love, happens next Monday on July 22. It is a cosmic window in time where the potential of two souls to reunite is greater than any other day of the year. Tu B’Av is the one day in the kabbalistic calendar where there is a complete […]

Fun 4th of July Ideas

Happy Summer! This is my favorite time of year…I love the warm weather, the long days, and spectacular sunsets. Not to mention the BBQ’s, juicy array of peaches, plums and cherries to eat!Are you ready to create some fun for this long 4th of July weekend?   If you don’t already have plans, here are […]

Martha Stewart’s Love Life!

Many The other day I was working out on my elliptical machine, channel surfing, when I came across the TODAY SHOW. Matt Lauer was interviewing Martha Stewart, 71, about her love life. Martha is now hoping to meet Mr. Right with and has put up her profile up online. She was on the show to meet the […]

Throw yourself a Pity Party

I want you to think of your 3 most prominent negative beliefs or stories about WHY you are not already with your soulmate. Is it because someone has betrayed you and you have a belief that all Men (or women) lie or cheat or something like that? Is one of your beliefs or stories that […]

Is Your Pet One of Your Soulmates?

My definition of a soulmate is: someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love and when you look into their eyes you have the experience of being “home.” If you accept this definition, you can begin to acknowledge ALL the soulmates already in your life. It may be your […]

The 3 steps to getting ANY guy to commit to you (+ a present for you!)

This year something big is happening.  My friend Matthew Hussey, the star of NBC’s new show Ready For Love is quickly becoming famous in America. If you haven’t heard of him yet, you soon will. Eva Longoria read his brand new book and called him “a genius who has cracked the code on men and […]