Take INSPIRED Action to make Dreams Come True

Whether manifesting your next dream career, new home, your soulmate (or whatever), a key component involves taking inspired action. Sometimes that means just trying something new and small, other times it means taking a GIANT LEAP OF FAITH and going for it.

More than 30 years ago, when I was living in South Florida, I had one of the worst days of my life.  I was blindsided when I went to work and got fired.  I never saw it coming.  My ego was deeply bruised and I was in a state of shock. As I began to think about “what’s next,” I realized that a part of me yearned to live in Los Angeles.  A city I had only briefly visited once. Within a few weeks, with less than $1,000, two suitcases, and very few contacts, I moved to L.A.

Was it scary?  You bet!

And, it turned out to be the best thing I ever did.  My entire life is what it is today because I was brave enough to follow my inner yearning.

What’s next for you when it comes to making your dreams come true?

I see a lot of people falling into the trap of postponing fun and adventure until after they meet their soulmate, reasoning that then they’ll have someone to share the adventure with. I once coached a man who loved whales. He finally decided to take a kayak trip with a bunch of strangers so he could have the experience of seeing whales up close. Well, he not only saw the whales, he ended up meeting his soulmate who just happened to be kayaking right next to him.

I know several couples that met on trips to foreign lands where they never expected to find romance. Vivian was from Boston; Mike was from Minneapolis. They met in Greece on a group tour. They’ve now been happily married for 15 years.

Sometimes the act of taking a bold step or following your heart’s desire actually leads you to the arms of your beloved, or your dream job, or the fulfillment of a lifelong pursuit.

Although you can’t control the exact day, place, and time your dream will come true, you can increase your odds significantly by being actively involved in your own life. This often means pursuing interests that you’ve put on the back burner. Whatever you’ve been waiting for, this is the time to do it. If you love tennis, but haven’t picked up a racquet in years, join a tennis club or sign up for some lessons. If you daydream about taking nature hikes, go on a guided tour at a nearby state park, or make it a point to stop by the beach or other recreational area after work. If you’re an avid reader, join a book club.

Look at it this way: What’s the worst that could happen if you decide to start actively pursuing your interests and passions? You’ll probably end up making yourself happier, healthier, and more intellectually fit. You will also most likely meet some interesting people, and you’ll be broadcasting your unique tastes and preferences to the Universe even more clearly.

Remember the Law of Attraction states:  “We attract to us the people, places, and experiences that match our state of being.”  When your actions are driven from a place of emptiness or lack of fulfillment, it’s quite possible you will only attract more of the same. It’s important to trust that things will work out. Take action when the signs are there to take action, and don’t feel pressured to act when the inspiration isn’t there.

Wishing you love, laughter, and magical kisses,


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