** The Door Was Never Closed (But My Brain Was) **

Last week, I had what can only be described as a spectacularly ridiculous moment—one that made me think of my favorite Wayne Dyer line: “When you believe it, you will see it.”

Here’s what went down: I arrived at my beloved bookstore, Warwicks, to co-host a book signing for my fabulous new friend, Georgia Hunter, author of We Were the Lucky Ones (who was now celebrating her latest masterpiece, One Good Thing).

It was raining, which meant two things: 1) I left early because California drivers treat rain like an alien invasion, and 2) I arrived way ahead of schedule.

When I got there, I saw the bookstore staff inside setting up. Since the doors had always been locked before events in the past, I assumed—without a second thought—that they were locked now. So I just… stood there. Like a well-dressed mannequin. Watching. Waiting.

Then, one of the staff members started waving me in. And my first thought was not, “Oh, how nice,” but instead: Why is she waving me in when the doors are obviously locked?

And then, dear reader, I realized.

The door. Was. Open.

It had been open all along.

I walked inside, laughing at myself and apologizing for my “senior moment” (which, let’s be real, was more of a classic human moment). But afterward, something about it stuck with me.

How many times in my life have I assumed a door was closed—simply because I expected it to be? How often have I stood outside of possibility, waiting, when all along, the way forward was wide open?

And here’s the real question:

What if I just start assuming that all doors are always open to me?

Because here’s what I know: Life is full of doors, and some of them really are closed. But the funniest, weirdest, and most magical thing is this—most of the time, the only thing keeping us outside is the belief that we don’t belong inside.

So, from here on out, I’m making a new rule: I’m walking in. Even when I think the door is locked. Even when I have no idea what’s inside.

Because the truth is, the only way to find out what’s possible… is to step forward and push.

Wishing you love and magic,


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