The Imaginal Cells of Love

In biology there is a term called imaginal cells and it explains how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

The metamorphosis begins when the caterpillar hunkers down on a perch and forms a chrysalis. It then dissolves and decomposes into a cosmic ooze.

During this process imaginal cells, which have been ling quietly inside the DNA of the caterpillar, spring to life, igniting new form and structure until a tipping point is hit and the caterpillar emerges as a beautiful butterfly.

For those of you seeking to find love, keep love, or be love, you can create more love in your life by awakening your own imaginal cells of love. The process is easy.

Write down a list of all the people with whom you share love. Parents, kids, siblings, friends, co-workers, pets. etc. This list can be as long as you would like.

Sit in a quiet place, take a few deep breaths and move your attention to the area around your heart as you slowly read through your list.

Then close your eyes while keeping your attention on your heart and allow yourself to feel how grateful you are for the abundance of love in your life. Fill yourself up with the experience and memories of love as you think of each of these love ones. Remember to include yourself.

By putting your attention on having and being more love, your heart automatically becomes magnetic to love. In just five minutes a day, this simple, daily practice will spark your own imaginal cells to transport you into a world of more love.

Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,


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