“Arielle Ford is a priestess of love.”
~Marianne Williamson

“Arielle offers simple and immediate ways to breathe new life into old relationships.”
~John Gray
International bestselling author and relationship expert Arielle Ford introduces a groundbreaking new book that gives you 16 simple, easy and fun ways to reignite love, passion and respect, as well as a renewed commitment to your relationship—no matter how many years it’s been since you first fell in love. Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate hands you the keys to be able to create the same kind of life-long love Arielle has with her own soulmate Brian. PLUS, as a thank you for pre-ordering the book today, you’ll get 9 incredibly valuable bonus gifts! See below for more details…

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- Five-Part Video Series from Leading Experts:
“How Women Can Get Their Needs and Desires Met by Their Mate”DR. PEPPER SCHWARTZ
“How Sex Can Save Your Life”IYANLA VAN ZANT
“The Best Way to Apologize: Why and How to Forgive”GAY AND KATIE HENDRICKS
“You’re Too Fat (and Other Hard Conversations to Have)”DR. LAURA BERMAN
“How to Affair-Proof Your Relationship” - A One-Hour Audio Lesson with ELLEN EATOUGH
- How to Re-Envision Your Sex Life
- Creative Ways to Get Your Body & Brain Back into the Game
- How to Invite Your Partner into a New and Fun Experience
- Opening Up Your Orgasmic Energy Centers
- Sex Recipes and Solutions for Busy People
- Bonus Audio: Hack Your Hormones for Lasting Love Tapping Deep Intimacy with Dawson Church, PhD
- Sneak Peek: Read the introduction and chapter one of Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate before it hits the stores!
- The Everything Book: The Essential Details About the One You Love – Take your love and relationship to a whole new level. Imagine going so deep, you and your partner know each other at a soul level. A life of true understanding, caring, and keeping each other happy and satisfied. You can with this step-by-step guide.
About the Book
It’s one thing to fall in love and get married. It is quite another thing to have a marriage you love. This is the true purpose of Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate.
Author of the international bestseller The Soulmate Secret, Arielle Ford offers the keys to re-discovering love, passion, respect, and renewed commitment years after the simple act of falling in love and getting married. She unlocks the wisdom learned in her own marriage along with expertise gleaned from friends and experts such as Harville Hendrix, John Gray, Dr. Helen Fisher, Neale Donald Walsch, and Marianne Williamson to help readers find a happy middle ground between the rare, precious, and unattainable romantic notion of love, and the reality that happens when restlessness, anger, or disappointment set in and act as a stubborn barrier to happiness and fulfillment.
Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate explores and reveals:
- What love really is and is not, and how to infuse your life with richer, fulfilling love.
- Why we yearn to be connected to another person.
- Our soul and our sacred contracts around love.
- Why giving up perfectionism is the key to happiness.
- The purpose and benefits of marriage.
- Components of a healthy relationship.
- Moving beyond ourselves to infuse our relationships with God/Spirit/devotion.
- Breathing new life into old love by kick-starting the fun.
- Why changing partners may not be the answer and why re-envisioning the partner you have can be the path to happiness.
Arielle lays the groundwork for the purpose and work needed for a healthy relationship, proving that marriage is not as simple as Happily Ever After—but that real love can be even better.
Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate will also be available in digital audio format 12/29. Here’s a free sneak peek:
Read by Karen White. Click here to view on SoundCloud.
Praise for Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate:
“Arielle Ford is a priestess of love, bringing forth the highest wisdom and placing it down on earth where it belongs. She has lived the love drama, learned from the love drama, and succeeded at the love drama. She has a lot of information to deliver, and in this book she does so compassionately and wisely.”
~Marianne Williamson, author of A Return To Love
“Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate is a must-read for all couples. This book is a profound guide towards true love, deep connection and soul partnership. Arielle brilliantly offers a path to release all that blocks you from the soulmate love you’ve been longing for. I am grateful for the gifts I have received from this book.”
~Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times best-selling author of Miracles Now
The power of Arielle Ford’s new book is that she shows you how to realize that you already are the love you seek—and to use that knowledge with yourself and those whose lives you touch. I can’t think of a greater gift than that.
~Geneen Roth, author of Women Food and God and Lost and Found
“Arielle Ford humorously and passionately distills ageless spiritual truths in service of our greatest purpose on earth: To love and be loved. She gives us a generous and compassionate lens through which we can recognize our soul’s purpose in love, and find the greatest joy in our relationships. I’m a big fan!”
~Dr. Laura Berman, LCSW, PhD, love & relationship expert, author of Quantum Love
“Arielle Ford helps us move past the unrealistic expectations and myths about love, romance and happily ever after. In their place, she offers simple and immediate ways to breathe new life into old relationships and build bridges between the very different ways in which women and men think and see relationships.”
~John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus www.marsvenus.com
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