Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed — a real life Beauty and the Beast couple — he’s the co-founder of KISS and mega millionaire businessman, she is a former Playboy cover girl. They lived together, 28 years before FINALLY marrying last year…but not before she gave him an ultimatum — change his cheating ways or they were through. Despite it all she loved him…warts, flaws and all. They have two children.
James Carville and Mary Matalin — both are household name political consultants — he works for the liberals, she is a conservative. They must be Wabi Sabi Love masters to have survived countless political seasons and 22 years together.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne — he’s a hard core heavy metal rocker, she is a hard core business manager, cancer survivor, and co-host of The Talk…an unlikely duo but they are deeply committed to each other and their family.
Dolly Parton and her husband Carl — here are the only existing photos of them together that we could find and we hear they have been married for more than 30 years. We all know just about everything about Dolly and she’s says he has the kindest, biggest heart but shuns the spotlight.
Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo — their love didn’t last forever but there creative combined genius still plays around the world on TV with I Love Lucy.
Beauty and the Beast — found love in spite of the physical differences. They overcame her fear and his embarrassment to fall in love…