What’s Your WORD for 2021?

This year I don’t plan to make any resolutions.

If I learned anything from 2020 it’s that trying to make plans while in the center of a chaotic cyclone is a set up for disappointment and frustration.

Instead, I am going to make ONE WORD the focal point of my biggest desire for 2021 and that word is CONTENTMENT.

Striving for contentment isn’t a new thing with me, but it is something that I now want to master now.

There were many years when my focus was happiness, but I’ve learned that for me, happiness is not the ultimate goal because happiness is tied to other people, outside circumstances, and unforeseeable experiences.

For 2021 for my desire is to remain calm and centered in CONTENTMENT, in spite of the circumstances.

What will your word for 2021 be?

Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,


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